Frenzel, F and Beverungen A: Value Struggles in City presented at St Andrews University Valorisation workshop: 14 Dezember 2012
Frenzel, F and Rolfes, M: The Millenium Development Goals, a critical assessment of measures and value given at the Critical Management Conference 2013, Manchester, UK July 2013
Frenzel, F Slum Tourism controversies from a Management Perspective. Presented at the international conference of Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME) in Bled, Slovenia 24 September 2013.
Frenzel, F: The tourist valorisation of poverty in Rio de Janeiro Presentation at Café Geographie, Potsdam, Germany 21 January 2014.
Frenzel, F: Guest lecture at the university of Johannesburg on the 7th February 2014 on tourist valorisation
Frenzel, F: Participation in the Handstorm workshop of URBZ, 12 March – 20 March 2014, Shivaji Nagar, Mumbai, India
Frenzel, F Presentation at the second slum tourism network conference in 14-16 May Potsdam 2014.
Frenzel, F Slum Tourism and Urban Regeneration Presentation at Tourism and Protest Workshop at the centre for Metropolitan Research Berlin 28th November 2014